Blair's Nullarbor by Bike

By Nullabor by Bike

My Updates

Abstract -> Tangible -> Real (Yikes – 2 weeks…)

Friday 23rd Aug

Thanks once again for your miraculous and overwhelming donations! Now at $3,255 and well over my original goal of $2,850, I still get a little tear in my eye and tingle in my tummy whenever an email notification arrives for yet another donation received. 

I have joked that at $1 per km, I should continue riding east from Adelaide towards Sydney and home – so far per dollar I would need to ride an extra 405km which would get me well into Victoria, to the township of Kulwin, and nearly across the Murray River and into NSW.

So, my Lifehouse donation goal has now been reset to $4,000 – $1 a km: Perth to Sydney, why not? (What next: New Zealand? I’ll need to strap floaties to my bike for that one 😊.) Please jump on board and keep the $$ going to a good place.

Anyway, with 2 weeks to go this abstract concept is becoming a reality I can touch. I am ready. Next stop Perth, then the long and winding job of riding east begins.

Bring it on, safe riders!! Blair out

Overwhelmed and Humbled (4 weeks away)

Monday 12th Aug

Most is in readiness with 4 weeks to spare. Paniers and bags have been packed and repacked and packed again; bike is serviced; training kms accrued.

I’d like more than ever to thank all who’ve donated thus far! A big shout out to:

BOWY Cycling Apparel

Safe Zone Locksmiths

Metrolock Locksmiths,

Lock Rite Locksmiths,

Raine and Horne Unlimited (Balmain),

Planet Properties (Croydon), and

Ray White Real Estate (Dulwich Hill)

…for backing me and the Life House on this adventure. I am indeed humbled and overwhelmed.

Thanks yet again – safe riding as always, Blair out 

Butterflies and Brazenness (6 weeks ‘til it begins)

Monday 22nd Jul

Happy to report that all is progressing well, 6 weeks until my big ride begins.

 Many kilometres have been banked pedalling my trusty bike Goldilocks, and while the tummy butterflies are furiously fluttering, I’m actually feeling confident I can really do this. 

The route has been earnestly planned – with my arrival in Adelaide scheduled for October 5, some 29 days on the road. I’m aiming to cover around 100km a day. My longest day is on September 22: 196km from Border Village to Nullarbor Roadhouse (which serendipitously happens to be my 55th birthday so hopefully a big tailwind blows that day), and several rest days will be taken along the way.

I’m also taking three golf clubs with me to play the famous Nullarbor Links, the longest golf course in the world – 18 holes across 1,300km between Kalgoorlie and Ceduna (for which I have not practiced at all).

Big thanks to the lovely people who have donated thus far. $910 by $1 per kilometre gets me to Day 9 and just passed Norseman, just shy of $2,000 to go to get me all the way to Adelaide!

Please I urge you to keep the donations flowing – keep my wheels rolling, and keep the dollars coming to the Lifehouse.

Thanks again – keep riding safely – seeya soon. Blair out.

And so it begins (in less than 3 months…)

Tuesday 18th Jun

Yes, less than 3 months now until the beginning of my bicycle ride from Perth to Adelaide - some 2,850kms - and my excitement and nerves are growing daily.

 While I have actively been training and planning for coming on 2 years, the idea for such an adventure has been brewing in my head for much longer, and I feel lucky and privileged to have the opportunity, will and health to give it a red-hot go come September 7th, the day I ride east out of Perth.

 While I'm doing the ride solo and unsupported, I am hoping to bring others along, to spur me forward 1 kilometre at a time, though donations and good will. That’s why I have set my Donation Target at $2,850 - $1 per km, but I’m sure we can go beyond that!

 Why Chris O’Brien Lifehouse? We’ve all been touched by Cancer and its horrors. I recently lost a dear friend and football teammate – Marin (Muddy) Sardelic to this disease, and before his passing he was monumental in his fundraising exploits for Lifehouse, a cause I would like to continue. I have recently been cared for myself at Lifehouse, having had a nasty BCC cut out of my neck, thankfully I am all fine now (don’t forget your suns-smarts kids!).

 And so, in the lead up to my journey, there is still much training and planning. With this first post on my very own Lifehouse Fundraiser page, I look forward to seeing the dollars roll in even before my two wheels out.

Thanks for now – ride safe – seeya on the next post. Blair out.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Timothy Czvetics Aka Tim Wilson

Hail brother-in-law. Remember what we say when the legs are screaming: Shut up legs!


Tim Pring

Another great Hurler doing amazing things. It's going to be an epic ride Blair and I can't wait to see you at the end of it.




Raine & Horne Unlimited Team

Best of luck Blair!! Love the Raine & Horne Unlimited team




Kenny #2

All the best Blair! See you when you get back!




David Madden

Ride like the wind Blairo!


Craig Douglas

Go well and good luck Blair!


Adam Barry

Great cause and thank you!


Garry Sonter


Tanya & Chris Enright

Wishing you well Blair. May the wind be at your back! Tanya & Chris xx


Rob Morrison

Bum on Blair!


Frank Camarda

Hi Blair Amazing achievement and proud of your efforts. we are donating on behalf of Ray White Dulwich Hill. Good luck and power those legs!


Emitt Mayson

Hope the saddle bumb is not too bad! All the very best, Emitt &Veronica


Jeff Robinson

Have an awesome adventure mate. Legs like spings.


Ian Johnston

I hope the wind is at your back and the beauty of the horizon pulls you forward. Well done!


Roshni Mezups

What an amazing adventure, enjoy Blair!


Metro Lock Locksmiths Pty Ltd



We look forward to celebrating when you get here Blairy! Dan and Suse




Marty Gardner

Great effort Blair - good luck and watch the sand traps!! Marty


Helen Odell

Go well Blair! We’re cheering you on :) Love Helen, James and Max x


Richard Lawson

Good luck, hope it's awesome.


Jim Plater

You’ve got this… great adventure and challenge


Sandi Jeney

You are a machine Blairy, so excited for you and this amazing journey. I can’t wait to hear about all the adventures that lay ahead for you. Such a great cause and I’m super pumped for you. Bring it on 🤩👏🏼☺️


Angela Owens

You’re a deadset champion Blair! Cheering you on x


Ben C


Bowy Active

All the best on your ride Blair! Your courage is admirable.


Stephen Lewis


Mark Mcleay


Rosalie Gordon

All the best on your bkie ride


Roisin Kelly

What the hell….best o’ luck on the dusty track my friend


Nick Perkins

Get yer bike on, Blairy!


Henry & Hayley

Good Luck Blair! Henry & Hayley (Unit 6)


Suzanne Thatcher

Inspirational, as always, Blair!


Ange Hockney

Best of luck on your ride. Take care.


Peter Brooks

Sending good vibes your way Blairo on this absolutely epic solo journey. You can do it!


Deeb Fajloun

Travel Safe!


Nellie Greenaway

Fantastic Blair!! How amazing 🚲 I'm so excited for your journey!! I think when you get back we need a fam gathering to celebrate!! 🥳 big hugs and much love! take bloody good care of yourself!!


Chris Briggs


Magda Cruz

Go Blair! Amazing effort! Magda x


Lily Walker





Go the butt ball!⚽️



Amazing! Safe riding!