In memory of David Denton

By Bindi Adams

David was an amazing man, who dedicated much of his life to surf lifesaving. He was a much loved; patrolling member, trainer, official, assessor, and mentor, with the Scarborough Wombarra SLSC. Devoting 27 years of service; not only to our club, but to many other clubs throughout the Illawarra and beyond. Everyone I have spoken to recently, has made comment on how much he helped them and their clubs.

He had a brilliant analytical and mathematical mind, and spent many hours applying his knowledge to difficult problems, and dissecting politics. On top of this, he was one of a very few, who was able to cite club constitution, by number correctly, with monotonous regularity.

David was fond of a good wine, and spent many an evening analysing both reds and whites, in the company of good friends.

His first experience with hospital involved the removal of a meningioma (benign), and his first act upon awakening, was to jot down a complicated maths problem and ask if he was correct. He was very relieved when it was deemed acceptable.

A few years later he was diagnosed with retroperitoneal cancer, and was told to go home and get his affairs in order. He was still doing patrols at this stage, but not long after, he did resign his position on the committee, after receiving his 25 years of service award. He continued right through to his last operation, as a patrolling member! As a club, we are reeling in shock, and as friends/family, we are devastated. All through his battle, right up until his last 24 hours, David was full of enthusiasm, a little lack lustre towards the end, but still quite upbeat.

The dedicated doctors and nurses were amazing, and helped to keep David on top of things for over a year longer than was first anticipated. We have been told on numerous occasions, that he was a lovely patient and a wonderful man, and that he kept better notes than most doctors.
All of us appreciate the work that the Chris O'Brien Life House does.


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Melania Moore


Tim & Kathryn Berry


Craig Thomson


Daniel Saffioti


Karen Wolfe


Melania Moore


Damien Barnes


Lisa Carroll


Bindi Adams


Steve Allan