In memory of John Cammareri

By Felicia Cammareri

In loving memory of John Cammareri


Peter Cistulli

John - Love , Family and friendship.


Toscano Family

Dear Felicia, Dominic, Stephanie and Andrew John will always remain with you in your hearts, every time you look around the garden and in all the memories you have created in the beautiful years together. All our love, Serge, Lia, Claire, Laura and Dean xo


Ignazia Ippolito

Dearest Felicia, Dominic, Stephanie and Andrew, Words are never enough express true sympathy, I was so sad to hear of John's sudden and tragic passing. My heart breaks for you all in this extremely difficult time. My prayers and thoughts are with you. May John Rest In Peace.


Thegie And Jessie Moodley

John was one of a kind, a true gentleman in every sense of the word. His untimely passing is devastating to all those whom he touched, such was the impact he had on everyone’s lives. He will never be forgotten and will always live in our hearts. Whenever we look at the house and the garden, we will always miss seeing his smiling and friendly face outside. We pray that Felicia, Steph, Dom, Andrew and John’s parents and uncle gain the strength to cope with this tragic immeasurable loss. Rest in Peace John.


Stephanie And Domenic Leva

Dear Felicia, Stephanie and Dominic Our deepest condolences to you all. It was an honour to know John. Love always Stephanie and Domenic Leva


Joe & Jaen Esposito And Family


Nadia Giccone & Katia Arlotta & Angela Fernadez & Giovanni Testa


Frank & Lucia Arlotta + Angelo & Maria Testa


Andrew & Julie Kelly


Vince And Vittoria Audino

Dear Felicia, Stephanie and Dominic, Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved husband and father. We wish you peace and comfort. Love Vince and Vittoria Audino


F Tusa, V Tusa, M Di Mauro

Dearest Felicia, Stephanie and Dominic please accept our sincerest Condolences. You are all in our prayers. Thinking of all of you. With love, Felicia Tusa, Vince Tusa, Maria Di Mauro and Families.


Giudi Bregolin

Dearest Felicia, Keep the treasured memories close. To your wonderful husband John who was always such a kind and concerned human being. May you Felicia continue forward in peace always knowing that John is right by your side always. Watching over you, Stephanie & Andrew and Dominic.


France And Martino Piccolo

Dear Felicia Stefanie and Domenic The world has lost a true gentleman and a rare human being who was admired and loved by all . We share in your grief and offer our deepest condolences. sending our love and prayers Martino and France Piccolo


Antonella Turco

Dear Felicia and family, We send your our deepest condolences on the sudden passing of John. He will be sadly missed. love and prayers. Antonella Turco & Family





Dear Felicia, Steph and Dom. With our deepest sympathies, love and prayers at this time xx


Caterina Oliveri And Family

Dear Felicia , Domenic and Stephanie Our sincere condolences our prayers and thoughts are with you Love Caterina Oliveri and Family


Robert Iacono

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sincere condolences. John will never be forgotten as he was a true inspiration to many and a loyal friend. May he rest in peace.


Antonietta Gulli

We pray that God will give you the strength to look after your family.


Kathy (rina) Moricca

Dearest Felicia, Stephanie & Dominic My deepest, deepest sympathy to you all. I cannot begin to fathom the grief you are going through. Today John is on his way to "Paradise" as he so deserves to be and beyond. God, must have a reason to take a most examplary human being from your lives and from our earth. We do not have those answers...maybe one day we will. I pray for the universe to give you all strength, and just remember the kind of human being he was, a wonderful husband, a wonderful father, a wonderful son, a wonderful nephew....he was "humble" runs in the Cammareri blood. I know you have lots and lots of support, look at all the love John, yourself and the kids have given out to others, and now the support is there for you guys. I am here for you, I look forward to hugging you soon. Love Rina xxxxx


Sandro & Pina Sillaro

Our collective hearts are heavy with sympathy.



Dear Felicia, Dom and Steph, our heart felt condolences to you all. John's spirit will live on through you all. May your memories together give you strength. God Bless


Massimo Fiocco And Carmen Fiocco

Always in our thoughts and memories


Giovanna Cammareri


Antonio Cammareri

da zio Tom e zia Clelia


Concetta Immacolata Gioffrè

Un piccolo pensiero per la grande perdita di Giovanni. Un abbraccio affettuoso da parte vostra cugina Concetta e figli Cammareri.


Daniella Audino

Dear Felicia, Stephanie and Dominic, My deepest condolences to you all during this difficult time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, always. Love Daniella Audino


Nancy Purrazzo

John will never ever be forgotten, May he rest in peace xxx


Max Thomas

Dear Felicia & family. Sending you my deepest condolences on the loss of such a wonderful gentleman. Praying for you all during this difficult time.


Charlie And Frances Panebianco

Our deepest condolence ,we will remember John, his softly spoken voice , his always kind words for everyone,and his big heart. Charlie and Frances Panebianco


Maddalena Panuccio

Felicia, Stephanie and Dominic, My deepest condolences for the passing of John. He will never be forgotten and pray he watches over you all. With love, Maddalena Panuccio


Carol Scalercio

Dear Felicia and Family, My deepest and sincere condolences. John will always be remembered, he was such a gentleman and always bought so many laughs. My prayers and thoughts are with you.


Ida Berry

In memory on an exceptional person, who will be sadly missed. All our love Ida, Mike, Vincent, Marcus and Monica


Benvenuto Romeo & Family (melbourne)

In loving memory of John


Lanza Family

Our deepest condolences to Felicia, Dominic and Stephanie. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. John will be missed by so many. From Sam, Josie, Adriana & Giulia Lanza xo


Emma Cammareri


Giovanni Cammareri

cugino Giovanni Cammareri


Vincenzo Cammareri

cugino Vincenzo Cammareri