75 Good Reasons to Celebrate Life

By Marilyn Paul

I am happily looking forward to celebrating my 75th voyage around the sun, with those who can make it to Hunter Valley and those unable to join our fun, but there in spirit.

My life is so blessed with the love of friends and family, I have no need of gifts.

Your presence at my party, your laughter and celebration of life with those you know, and those you may get to know, is the best present possible.

If you would like to make a contribution for those who may not have the joy of life we do, please consider Chris O'Brien LifeHouse.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Louise M

Dear Marilyn I love that you have chosen to give rather than receive on your birthday. It is such a beautiful gesture. Happy birthday gorgeous woman xx


Michael Bennett

what a wonderful celebration


Robyn Thomson

Happy Birthday Marilyn! Remember age is no excuse for not walking at 6am!


Marilyn Paul


Kate Burtt

Happy 75th Marilyn! Looking forward to celebrating with you. X


Laurie Bennetts

Hi Marilyn, My donation is a dollar for every year of your life so far. Happy Birthday! Love, Laurie


Melissa Aspinall

Happy Birthday Marilyn, looking forward to celebrating with you. Lovely idea to donate to a worthy cause. Love from Mel, Dan, Jasper and Macey xx