Welcome to your Discovery Centre

Discover the impact of your generosity at Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. 

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Thank you

As a Discovery Partner, your generous support helps world-leading research, cutting-edge technology and specialist care services that transform outcomes for people with cancer.  

Discovery Centre stories

Read exclusive insights about how your support is making a difference, now and in the future. 

Your 2024 Impact Report

Stay informed about your impact at Chris O'Brien Lifehouse over the past financial year.

Your impact is transforming the lives of people with cancer

Wellbeing services

Your support helps evidence-based and holistic support services that improve quality of life for people with cancer. 

Research and technology

With over 200 research projects and clinical trials running continuously, your generosity is funding life-changing cancer research.  

Specialist nurses

Your gifts fund 20 specialist nurse positions across 10 cancer streams, ensuring tailored care to every patient's unique needs.

"Everyone should have access to the best care, to a long life, and a cure. It’s a great cause and thanks to this place I’ve been able to watch my grandkids grow up."
- Norman Campbell

A decade ago, Norman was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was told he was only likely to live another six to eight months. At Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, Norman was able to access a clinical trial that he hoped would extend his life by a few months. Against all odds, Norman is now celebrating ten years of survival, and three years without any treatment.

Get in touch

If you'd like to learn more about your impact, our fundraising team would love to hear from you. For more impactful stories, read our latest OpenHouse newsletter.