Donate in memory

A gift in memory of a loved one is a wonderful tribute to their life, and a touching way to help our work in transforming cancer treatment and care in Australia.

Honour your loved one

A gift in honour of your loved one will ensure their memory lives on through the work done at Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. Your donation will help to transfer cancer treatment & care by supporting research efforts & our team of experts to do what they do best.

When it comes to cancer, choose hope.

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Donate by cheque

Post your donation or in memoriam form to:

Chris O'Brien Lifehouse
PO Box M5, Missenden Road
NSW 2050 Australia

Donate by phone

Telephone 02 8514 0006 to donate by credit card.

Chat to us by email

If you would like more information about making a major gift or leaving a gift in your will to Lifehouse, please email