Sheryl's Marathon Journey

By From Diagnosis to Determination

My Updates


Tuesday 22nd Oct

2024 marks a significant milestone for me - it's been 10 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It’s also the year I turn 50, and I'm set to achieve a lifelong goal: running a marathon!

When I was diagnosed unexpectedly, I was confronted with my own mortality. The fear of dying became very real, very fast. My dear Mum had passed away from breast cancer at age 52, when I’d just turned 17, and 6 months later I lost my Nan to cancer as well. It was hard not to wonder if my fate would be the same.

Whilst I was fortunate and caught my cancer early avoiding chemo, it turned out that I carry the BRCA2 gene mutation, which significantly increases the risk of breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancers. This genetic information played a crucial role in shaping my treatment and surgery plan and also helped my sister Tracie, who was diagnosed with the same mutation and then breast cancer 3 years later. Sadly, these medical advances came too late for my Mum, by about 7 years.

During my diagnosis, I spent a lot of time reflecting on life. I made a promise to myself: if I survived, I would chase a goal I'd long held but never pursued - running a marathon. A strange goal, considering I've always hated running. But something about the physical and mental challenge intrigued me, and I wanted to see if I could conquer it.

I survived. So did Tracie. And though I’ve spent the last 10 years putting it off, I am finally making that goal a reality. On 3 November 2024, I will be running the New York City Marathon (or attempting to!), thanks to Daniel (my amazing and patient husband) and wonderful friend Nic, who made it possible.

I started training in June 2023, and it hasn’t been easy. I’ve broken 2 toes (not from running but being clumsy), faced the persistent voices in my head telling me to stop, battled 4:30 am alarms, and pushed through countless sore muscles. But I’m still going, and I'm determined to run every step of the 42.195 kms (roughly 55,000 steps!) in honour of my incredible Mum, my beloved Nan, and everyone else who is affected by cancer. But I can’t do this alone - I need your help.

To make this effort even more meaningful, I am raising funds for the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse, the incredible not-for-profit cancer treatment centre where Tracie and I received our all our genetic testing, treatment, surgeries, and care. Their multi-disciplinary approach to cancer care, alongside outstanding medical teams, undoubtedly saved our lives. 

The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse has a specific initiative, called the Shae Gibson Women’s Cancer Support Fund, which provides financial assistance to women from lower socio-economic backgrounds for their cancer treatment.  Cancer is an incredibly expensive illness, and far too many women are unable to afford the treatment they desperately need. I'd like to direct all monies raised to this fund.

So please take a moment to donate.

Any amount, big or small, will motivate me to keep going and cross that finish line and help other women not just survive cancer, but thrive - just like me.

Let’s make every step—and every dollar—count!


Shout out to my crew who have helped me:

* Mel & Lisa - for teaching me how to run and self-belief I can do this
@ Boobs on the Run:

* Victor - for your strength training and invaluable coaching
@ Messa Training:

* Mike - for incredible massages & not so nice dry needling
@ iMove -

* Dr Ned & Dr Darby - for optimising my postural health
@ H3 Chiro:


Thank you to my Sponsors


Rachel Campbell

You never cease to amaze me, sweetheart xx


Acquire Talent

Wishing you and all the very best 👊🏼


Sheryl O'brien


Sara Hopwood

Good luck! We know you can do it x


Nigel Dent

Good luck Shezza


Lisa Chilton

Such an amazing cause. Good luck Shez. Another goal that I know you’ll smash! Xxx


Suzana Kostovski

Go Sheryl! Thank you for sharing your story and for supporting this important cause ❤️ I am cheering for you!


Deb Richo

You go girl!…. Donating $1 for each km for both your mum and your nan! You have banked so many hours pounding the pavement. Enjoy the ride as I know you will x x



Go you good thing!! You’ve worked so hard for this. Enjoy the ride, run your own race and soak it all up. xx


Lauren Sims


Nella Wild



Daniel And Sally Trathen

Good luck Shezza!


Nicole Osullivan

Dear Sheryl - sending you my best wishes to get through those 42km’s…you can do it!!! Cheers Nic


Vince Buscema

You go girl…!


Anne Marie Sanni