Julian's story
Julian Hofer was 24 when he discovered a lump in his right shoulder. He was diagnosed with lymphoma and he was referred to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. Now living a life of good health after illness, he wanted to create a legacy that will help others who are experiencing the challenges of cancer. That's why Julian decided to leave a gift in his Will to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse.
Types of Gifts in Will
There are several ways you can make a lasting impact through your Will. Explore the different options below to find the one that best suits your wishes and values.

A residuary gift is a percentage of your estate left after other gifts, debts, and expenses are paid. It allows you to support our mission while ensuring your loved ones are cared for first.

A fixed sum gift, also known as pecuniary gift, is a specific amount of money you choose to leave. This simple option lets you make a defined contribution to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse.

A gift of assets involves leaving items like property, shares, or valuable belongings in your Will. This type of gift can make a significant impact in leaving a meaningful legacy.
How to leave a gift in your Will
Leaving a gift in your Will is easier than ever, especially with the option to write your Will online. Once you've made your decision, our team or your solicitor can help you through the process. Follow these steps and you’ll soon have peace of mind knowing your legacy will make a difference.
When planning your Will, your primary concern may be ensuring your loved ones are taken care of. Think about the family, friends, and organisations you'd like to honour with a gift and how you want to divide your assets to reflect your legacy. You can choose from various types of gifts to include. Any gift to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse is deeply appreciated and helps us continue providing essential care to people with cancer.
It's important to discuss your decision with your loved ones and the executors of your estate to ensure your wishes are fulfilled. You can also reach out to our team to let us know if you're considering leaving a gift to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. We're here to offer any assistance you may need, and please rest assured that any information you share with us is kept confidential and is not legally binding.
Consult your solicitor or create your Will through ‘Safewill’. Below is an example of the appropriate wording and the correct legal name if you wish to include a gift to Chris O’Brien Lifehouse.
“I give, devise and bequeath to Lifehouse Australia Trust ABN 70 388 962 804 of registered office
Level 5, 119-143 Missenden Road,
Camperdown, New South Wales 2050
(insert % of residue of Estate or $ amount here)
Free of all duties for general purposes (or replace general purposes with a specific, tied area such as research) and declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge for my executor.”
As the priorities and needs of our hospital and research programs change over time, we encourage you to consider more flexible wording rather than being too specific, so that your legacy can remain relevant and continue to have an impact into the future.
Sign and witness
To make your Will legally binding, it must be signed by you in the presence of two witnesses who are not beneficiaries. This step is crucial to ensure your Will is valid and your wishes are honoured.
If you've included Chris O’Brien Lifehouse in your Will, we would love to know so we can thank you personally and keep you updated on the important work you'll be helping make possible.
Do I need a solicitor?
We recommend seeking the advice of your Solicitor and/or Accountant for such an important document, so you can ensure that it is set up in a way that will achieve your objectives.
However if you write your Will using our online platform partner, Safewill, it will be reviewed by their internal legal team who can flag any potential issues with you.
Are online Wills legally binding?
Online Wills share the same requirements for validity as a paper-based DIY Will, or a solicitor-drafted Will. For example, once you have finished the online process with our online Will platform partner, Safewill, you would need to print and sign your Will in front of two independent witnesses so that it is correctly executed.
The general wording below can be used:
“I give, devise and bequeath to Lifehouse Australia Trust ABN 70 388 962 804 of registered office
Level 5, 119-143 Missenden Road,
Camperdown, New South Wales 2050
(insert % of residue of Estate or $ amount here)
Free of all duties for general purposes (or replace general purposes with a specific, tied area such as research) and declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge for my executor.”
Can I leave a gift to a specific fund or area of research?
If there is a particular area of our work that speaks more deeply to you, you can advise that your gift can be directed in a more specific way, which is referred to as “tied funding”. However, many people are happy for their gift to be “untied” so that it can be directed to the area which will make the biggest impact at the time the bequest is realised. Untied funding is crucial so that Chris O’Brien Lifehouse can build a sustainable funding source to provide for evolving research and patient care initiatives. Don't hesitate to get in touch to discuss any funds within Chris O'Brien Lifehouse.
Get in touch
Creating a gift in your Will is a deeply personal and significant decision. I understand that it can feel overwhelming at first, but I’m here to help you every step of the way. If you have any questions or need guidance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Lynn Johnson
Development Specialist - Planned Giving
+61 2 8514 0924

Write an online Will with Safewill
We have partnered with Will-writing platform Safewill. This platform provides opportunities for Chris O'Brien Lifehouse supporters to write a valid online Will in just a few clicks. For more information on how to create your Will and leave a gift in your Will to Chris O'Brien Lifehouse, click the button below for more info.