Meet Roan: our specialist breast cancer nurse

22 Oct 2024

For the past nine years, Roan has been an essential part of the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse breast care team helping patients and their families navigate the complexities of breast cancer treatment.

Roan's passion for nursing stems from a desire to make meaningful difference in the lives of others.  “It’s about giving emotional support not just to the patients but also to their families,” he explains. “There’s a lot of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that comes with a cancer diagnosis, and we’re here to help them through that.” 

One of the most valuable aspects of Roan’s role is patient education. “We empower patients to make informed decisions,” he says. “We give them the knowledge they need about their diagnosis, treatments, and side effects so they can feel confident and prepared. 

Doctors are excellent at explaining diagnoses and treatment regimes, but it’s hard for patients to absorb all the information in one go,” he says. “That’s where we step in—to help them understand and navigate their care.” 

Roan also highlights the importance of being a trusted first point of contact for patients. “When something feels off, patients often hesitate to reach out to their specialists. We help bridge that gap,” he explains. “They call us, and we liaise with the right specialists to address issues early. That way, we can prevent complications and keep patients on track with their care. 

We also take cultural, spiritual, and personal preferences into account. Even small gestures, like changing a dressing or offering a hug after a difficult diagnosis, can make a world of difference.” 

“When patients understand their care better, they’re also more likely to follow through. That can make a profound difference in their outcomes and quality of life.”

Double your impact on Giving Day – November 20

Specialist nurses like Roan play a vital role in providing compassionate care at Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. On Giving Day, November 20, every donation to our specialist nurse program will be doubled, making your contribution go even further.

You can help ensure patients have a specialist nurse to turn to, always.